How To Go From ZERO online experience to $10K/month As A Virtual Practitioner or Coach… even if you have no audience, no program and no tech experience.

Well hello there! 

I’m Lori Kennedy, the founder of The Wellness Business Hub, author of The Successful Practitioner book and creator of The 10K Success System. 

Over the last 10 years, I've been helping ambitious and purpose-driven practitioners and coaches who are committed to establishing and growing their business online.

The best part about what I’ll share with you is you can start from wherever you are now and go as big as you want. And it’s an extremely simple approach.

So you’ll be able to get time back and focus on what’s important to you. Like being with family, enjoying your hobbies and experiencing the freedom you always wanted.

Now I know what you’re thinking… going from not having anything created or setup to working with clients online in 6 months or less… hard to believe.

But in just a sec I’ll show you the exact process I’ve used to go from being a regular health practitioner... To launch my first online signature program and make $10,573 in less than 90 days… 

...And now being THE go-to leader in the industry for practitioners and coaches who want to have a signature program and work online. 

But it wasn't always this way.

It wasn’t too long ago that I was struggling... 

Working so hard with very little to show for it. 

I remember clearly, my then husband (we’re now happily divorced) asked me, “So… how’s your hobby-business going?” 

Sure, I was a qualified Registered Holistic Nutritionist but those letters after my name did nothing to help me get clients. 

I had all this knowledge and no way to use it. 

But I was burnt out and frustrated. 

I wanted more from life… to feel legit and have an impact... and an abundant lifestyle… 

Almost getting fired from my nutritionist position changed the trajectory of my life. 

At the time, I was working as an independent contractor for a women’s only gym and was selling 60-minute sessions for $97. 

My monthly sales goal was $5,000. 

That meant I would have to work with 51 new clients a month to hit that goal. Not possible. 

My manager pulled me into her office and said, “Lori, if you don’t find a way to hit that goal, we’ll have to find someone else who can.” 

I turned my one-on-one practice into a signature program... 
and that’s when everything changed for me!

I transformed my own holistic nutrition practice by creating my first signature online program called WOW! Weight Loss and for the first time ever earned more than $5,000 in a month. 

What I didn’t realize then was that I was pioneering a NEW way for any practitioner or coach to have the same success, no matter who you work with, where you live or how much or little experience you have. 

Having an online business and a signature program IS YOUR TICKET TO FREEDOM. 

I’ve spent the last 10 years dedicated to transforming the health and coaching industry because the way we were all taught to work with clients or patients is broken and will cause you to struggle to get clients for years longer than is necessary. 

Honestly, I don’t want you to struggle like I did... 

That’s why I created The 10K Success System-- for practitioners and coaches who want to start up and grow online so they can have the impact and abundant life they desire and deserve. 

Here’s How The 10K Success System Works

Simply put, The 10K Success System is a 6-month all inclusive, highly personalized online business development program for practitioners and coaches who want to start and grow online.

All you need to get started is an idea! And honestly, it doesn’t even have to be a well-formed one or “perfect” because we have a specific process we use to get you clarity and identify your niche and who you most want to serve.

The program follows the 5 +1 Components Of A Success Online Business model with the curriculum split into the “5 +1 components” required to have a fully operational online business that works FOR you and creates REAL impact and income.

Here’s the step-by-step process: 

Step 1: Meet Your Coaches

When you join our 10K fam, the first few days you’ll get oriented to our system. You’ll meet your coaches, get a plan and be introduced to the most incredible, supportive community who’ll help you every step of the way.

Step 2: Identify Your Niche & Ideal Client

You’ll dive into the first component designed to help you get clear on your niche, ideal client, the problem you solve and the transformation you’ll provide. We have a proven process to help navigate this component with personalized content review, feedback, approval and coaching.

Step 3: Create Your Program

Next, we’ll work with you to create your signature program. This is fun! You’ll have a program outline review with your coach and get support to ensure that you get your program finished so we can build out your client content hub for you. That’s huge, because this means you don’t have to figure out ANY tech stuff. 

Step 4: Attract and Nurture

Now it’s time to create your lead magnet, lead gen funnel, nurture emails and Facebook ads to attract your ideal clients. You’ll use our templates for everything making it super simple to create high-value content, nurture emails and a Facebook ad that targets the people you most want to help.

Step 5: Set Up Compliant Facebook Ads

While we build out your lead gen funnel, you will focus on your Facebook ads. The best part is we have templates for this! You’ll have a coach who will approve your Facebook ads and help you with everything you need to get your ads set up the RIGHT way from the start.

Step 6: Automate and Educate 

After that, you’ll work on your automated enrollment process complete with a webinar and all the elements you need to deliver a value-packed masterclass that educates and builds trust with your audience.

You’ll be using our scripts and slide deck template. So don’t worry, you won’t get stuck or lost in the details. Then you’ll submit your enrollment funnel so that we can build it out and connect it to your email marketing platform.

Step 7: Enroll New Clients into Your Program

Once your funnel is built, it’s time to get new clients into your life changing program! You’ll use our webinar and sales scripts to make it easier to enroll your first clients. And we’ll be there to help you overcome any hurdles along the way. The best part is, this script is professional and legit.

The BEST Part of the 10K Success System is that
WE WILL BUILD OUT ALL your funnel elements for you! 

So you don’t have to worry about the tech stopping you.

By the time you’re done, you’ll have a completely set-up online business complete with an automated signature program that is ready to enroll clients. PLUS you’ll have an email list and Facebook group filled with the right people who want to work with you. 

The 10K Success System includes high-touch training, personalized coaching, support, accountability and mentorship so you’ll have clarity and confidence to move forward. 

You are NOT alone. We are with you every step of the way.

We have hundreds of testimonials from practitioners and coaches from all over the world who will testify to the incredible support, caring and no BS attitude the 10K Coaching Team provides. 

Yes, you really do get coached on a 1:1 basis throughout the entire program, with content review and approval. 

Watch some clips from different coaching calls to see for yourself how intimate and personalized our support is.

Is the 10K Success System Right For Me?

Good question! We ONLY specialize in helping 2 types of professionals. Before I tell you who it’s for, it’s important to tell you who it’s NOT for. Because we take our community and your success extremely seriously, we only want the right type of like minded people in the program. 

Warning! The 10K Success System is NOT for you if: 

You want to make money overnight and aren’t willing to do the work 
You don’t have a passion or purpose to genuinely help people 
You’re lazy and flakey
You’re afraid of hard work
You’re negative and narrow minded 
You complain all the time and blame others for your lack of success

If you’re any of the above, then this program will not be a good fit so please do not apply. 

But The 10K Success System IS For You If You’re:

1. Purpose Driven, Ambitious Practitioner or Coach 

If you’re new to working with clients and not sure exactly who you want to work with… or have little or no experience online or even no program or service to offer or have been in a clinical setting and want to go online but... 

You have NO IDEA how...

Yet, you know that your ideas, personal experience and professional training can transform lives. You know that you are HERE TO TRANSFORM LIVES. 

And are tired of playing small, throwing spaghetti at the wall, wasting time, money and energy trying things that don’t seem to work. 

2. Established Licensed Or Regulated Practitioners 

(Like Naturopaths, Chiropractors, RMT’s, Nurses, Doctors, Functional Medicine 

Professionals, Licensed Therapists, Osteopaths, Social Workers)

We know the rules of running an online business are much more strict for you. That’s why it’s critical we work closely together to co-create an online business that complies with your license and regulations.

The 10K Success System is perfect if you’re a regulated or licensed professional who wants to go beyond the 4-wall clinic and have a fully operational online practice. That way, you can create more transformations without hitting the proverbial ceiling. And without compromising your license. 

If you fit into one of these categories and you’re committed to Growth, Impact & Abundance, then we would be honoured to co-create your online business and signature program with you. 

When Can I Start The 10K Success System?

I know you’re excited and ready to get going now! But first we have an application process to make sure The 10K Success System is the best next move for you. We care deeply about you, your goals and our community so it’s critical that we have a conversation prior to working together. 

Our highest priority is to protect the culture, community and integrity of the program for our current clients. That’s why we need to make sure you’re the right fit for the group.

To start, you’ll need to give us more info about your current situation and your goals. If we can help you, you'll get a link to our calendar where you can secure your spot and book a call.

Look, you need to hear the truth… 

Because it would kill me for you to continue to feel frustrated and stuck like this...

The reality is, if you don’t change your business strategy now NOTHING will change. In fact, it will only get worse. You’ll keep feeling exhausted and losing quality time with your family every day that goes by.

So let’s change the trajectory of your business and life now. 

My team and I look forward to chatting with you. 

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